Thursday, December 17, 2009

Biting the hand that feeds them

In Copenhagen this week, poor countries are protesting that the $100billion that has been pledged by rich countries to help them cope with the entirely natural phenomenon of climate change, isn't enough. They want more money from rich nations as punishment for harming the planet.....

From FoxNews -- Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Thursday that the U.S. would be willing to commit $10 billion a year to contribute to a $100 billion global fund aimed at helping developing nations deal with climate change.

I have an idea....instead of stealing even more money from American taxpayers, why not tell despotic leaders of these God-forsaken, third-world hell-holes that we'll give them the climate-change billions but, we're going to have to stop all the shipments of free medicine and food, stop the agriculture training, the billions in aid money and, military protection. Then let's see how badly they want to punish the US for a geo-phenomenon that's been cycling for billions of years.

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