Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Worst police sketch artist.....ever

Apparently there's a reason you've never heard of a single, famous Bolivian artist. It's because they can't draw.

This is a Bolivian police sketch artist's rendering based on a description given by a witness to a crime. Amazingly, the suspect was picked up a few days after this picture was circulated. The story is here but, it doesn't say whether the collar was because of the picture or a just a blind, dumb coincidence. The perp couldn't have been that hard to find regardless....I mean how many dudes are walking around without ears?


  1. And yet...
    This drawing has proved to be surprisingly accurate as this arrest photo clearly demonstrates:

  2. Yeah, earless men are very hard to spot.

  3. Oh, this is a good one. And actually, it reminds me of a particularly funny (and somewhat colorful) joke I once heard about a guy with no ears...

    *Still giggling*
