Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Robert Gibbs lies about Obama's interest in the election returns

WH press secretary and hapless oaf Robert Gibbs tries, tries and fails, to convince us that Obama didn't care about the election returns yesterday....

From Politico - Hours after urging reporters not to draw sweeping conclusions from Tuesday's gubernatorial elections in New Jersey and Virginia, White House press secretary Robert Gibbs told POLITICO President Barack Obama wasn't even keeping an eye on the results.

"He's not watching returns," Gibbs said.

Let me be the next in line to call "BS" on this one. The outcomes of last night, especially the two governor's races, rang loud and clear in moderate democrat circles. Fiscally conservative democrats(blue dogs) are looking at each other this morning and assessing who they are more afraid of, Obama, Reid and, Pelosi or their own constituents, especially if they are in otherwise red states.

Whether Gibbs admits it or not, Obama's cult-like powers of persuasion with the American people were spent a year ago when he won election. The lesson from last night is...if Obama is not on the ballot, he doesn't carry much weight, and for democrats in 2010, Obama will not be on any of the ballots.

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