Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Veterans Day

Tomorrow, most of the country will get a day off of work, and won't stop to remember and or thank any of our military for the work they have done and are doing. I will take this time to thank all of my friends that have served or are currently serving for the good of the USA.
Millions of men and women have sacrificed to preserve our freedoms and it again, would have gone unnoticed if it were not for a lunatic killing folks at Ft. Hood. Sadly, it is easy to ignore our defenders until a bomb drops and then we watch the media scream for better safeguards to protect us all, at any risk necessary to the military.
Our administration is diametrically opposed to having an Army, a Navy, etc. They feel we need to just print money and dole it out to our enemies and pray that we have bought their loyalty for a short while, 'til it comes time to print more money and do it again!
Ladies and gentlemen, you, the defenders of this country deserve better. You deserve the day off; you deserve the time with your families; you deserve the vacation day. Alas, what you get is another day walking the wall defending the country from all sorts of evil, while the unappreciative masses you defend waller around in self pity and bitch about how bad they got it.
At least know that 1 American is patriotic and is appreciative. This rant may not be entirely cohesive, but it is truly from my heart. I loathe the country(as it stands) we live in and what we are forced to endure as Americans. Love it/us or leave - Please, and when you go, you liberal schmucks, take a friend with you!

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