Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Lindsay Graham's treachery on cap and trade

If you thought Olympia Snowe was a bad RINO for voting for Chairman Zero's awful health-care debacle, take a gander at possibly the worst republican since Arlen Specter.....Lindsay Graham of South Carolina....

Earlier this year, House Democrats approved a 1,400-plus page Waxman-Markey cap-and-trade energy bill that was then promptly pronounced all but dead on arrival in the Senate. Now along comes the South Carolina GOPer to save the Democrats' second biggest priority, next to socializing doctors and patients.

Graham will trade a hollow promise from Democrats of more nuclear power and off-shore oil and gas development in return for his support of Waxman-Markey. He forgets that Democrats can promise anything like that now without fear because they know Environmental Protection Agency and the Sierra Club will keep it from ever actually being done.

Cap and trade will likely increase everybody's energy bill by a whopping 70%, plus seize a new tax from families for the Obama administration to invest in idiotically useless "green energy" boondoggles. Boondoggles like wind, solar and, ethanol-based energy that the private sector rightly deemed too risky and unreliable to in which to invest. But riskiness, inefficiency, and pointlessness don't matter to the government because it doesn't have to make a profit. The government and Lindsay Graham can waste as much of other peoples' money as it wants, on behalf of the wholly, imaginary menace of global warming.

Graham just got elected so he's hoping the people of SC will forget about this treachery but, when they are huddling in the dark and shivering in the cold because they can't afford to pay their power bills, maybe they'll rethink their vote the next time around.

Like Michelle Malkin always says, "God save us from bipartisanship!"

Hat tip to the WashingtonExaminer.

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