Monday, November 02, 2009

In 1948, they got it

This 9-minute cartoon shows exactly what's missing in America today, an appreciation for the freedoms that our founding fathers envisioned. Watching it, you'll think it was made yesterday but, it was produced in 1948, and it might be more appropriate today than it was back then. If you have a few minutes today, watch it and see how far we've strayed from a country of rugged, self-determined individualists to one of whining collectivists, clamoring for government entitlements....

WOW! If there was ever a history lesson that needed to be taught in schools, it's this one. Everything that Obama and the party of HopeyChange stand for contradict and undermine the liberty and freedoms that this country was founded upon. It's depressing really to see how far we've fallen.


  1. Scarily appropriate.


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