Tuesday, November 17, 2009

A day without illegals

I don't know if this is real or not but, it doesn't really matter. The point is the same regardless....

There will be a price for granting blanket amnesty to 12-20million illegals like Obama intends to do. The price may be in the form of food-stamps, crime and gang-violence, free health-care, dumbed-down education, depressed wages, exploding welfare rolls, higher taxes, and the compromise of American sovereignty. But the price won't be paid by them, it'll be paid by honest, law-abiding, tax-paying, English-speaking Americans and their kids. Though "paid" isn't the right word for it..."extracted from us through the force of the federal government" is more accurate.

Whatever immigration-reform bill that is being quietly passed around the House will include a lot of things that should be unpalatable to loyal Americans. Contact your representatives and threaten them with electoral defeat if they dare vote in favor of anything that resembles amnesty.

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