Saturday, November 07, 2009

Congressman Bill Owens is a dirty liar!

I hope you dumb democrats in NY-23 are happy with your choice of congressmen. Within one hour of being sworn in, Bill Owens broke 4 campaign promises to you.....idiots!!!!

GOUVERNEUR, NY - Congressman-elect Bill Owens was sworn in at noon today.
Owens indicated in a press release released shortly afterwards that he was now in favor of the the "Affordable Healthcare for America Act" bill in direct contrast to his earlier position during the election campaign.

According to, Mr. Owens assured voters that he felt the public option had no place in the health care reform bill. Contrary to that position, Mr. Owens now indicates that he intends to vote in favor of the bill even though it now contains a public option.

Mr. Owens also indicated during his campaign that he was firmly opposed to cutting Medicare benefits, taxing health care benefits, and increased taxes on the middle class.

The House Health reform bill contains sections that cut Medicare benefits, tax existing health care benefits, and increases taxes on the middle class, yet Mr. Owens stated today that he will now vote in favor of those things contrary to what he had promised the voters of NY's 23rd Congressional District that he would vote against.

Of course he lied to you. Craven democrats will say literally anything to get elected and then do exactly as they please. He has to run for re-election in one year and he thinks the NY-23 voters will forget in that time that he's a dirty, rotten liar! Let's hope they're not that stupid.

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