Monday, November 09, 2009

Bad Muslim....very bad Muslim!

Fort Hood shooter Hasan, was supposed to be a devout Muslim but, does swilling beer and buying extended lap dances from strippers fit into Islam?

Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan came into the Starz strip club not far from the base at least three times in the past month, the club's general manager, Matthew Jones, told Army investigators building their case against Hasan plan to interview Jones soon.

"The last time he was here, I remember checking his military ID at the door, and he paid his $15 cover and stayed for six or seven hours," Jones, 37, said.

Hasan's presence at the club paints a starkly different portrait of the alleged killer from that offered by his imam and family members, who have described him as a devout Muslim, and one who had difficulty finding a wife who would wear a head scarf and would pray five times a day.

So, this guy was not only a bad Muslim, but the FBI announced today that he had been trying to contact members of Al Qaeda. Now, I may be wrong but, a uniformed military officer, trying to contact the enemy with whom we are at war, is guilty of treason, no? He also attended the same Mosque as two of the 9/11 high-jackers.

If the FBI knew about this, did political correctness prevent them from notifying the Army? Would the Army, already eaten up with diversity awareness and political correctness, have done anything for fear of violating this traitor's civil rights? That is doubtful.

Hasan's defenders in the media this weekend whined that this was not Islam-based terrorism but, one individual who snapped, who happened to be Muslim. I might have accepted that argument until I learned that he had tried to contact members of our Islamic enemy. Let's see Matthews, Olberman, and Maddow make that argument now.

1 comment:

  1. My sentiments also. Only a little bit more forceful.
