Wednesday, October 28, 2009

You're doing it all wrong!

Some guys will go to any lengths to discover the best Kimchi in the world......

SEOUL (Reuters) – A South Korean man who worked at Samsung Electronics' semiconductor unit and more recently at a pig farm has defected to the communist North by walking across the heavily mined border, the North's state media said on Tuesday.

Crossings are rare through the razor-wire and land-mined Demilitarised Zone buffer that divides the peninsula. But defections to the impoverished North from the affluent South are even rarer, with the last one likely taking place about four years ago

Land mines, razor wire, people shooting at you....none of these things deterred this idiot from defecting to, TO the peoples' paradise of North Korea. Maybe he went there for the excellent, public-option healthcare.


  1. Having been at the border, one doesn't go north for any reason. The Nork's deserve that guy!

  2. Joe, you've been to the DMZ? That's cool! Were you searching for the most excellent Kimchi in the world also?

  3. No I went about 8 years ago with a crew filming as a reporter got to go into the North and "interview " the border soldiers.

  4. Sweet! Is your interview documentary online anywhere I could get a look at?

  5. I didn't do it, I was just along for the ride. I will look into it and see where it is available. It was done for National Geographic. None of the Nk soldiers talked. They just stood stone still in their fighting position. Faces taut no emotion showing behind their cheap immitation mirrored Ray Bans. I am sure it was riveting programming.
