Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Obama's economic dream-team got owned...and it cost the taxpayers trillions

You think Obama surrounded himself with the best and brightest to help repair the damage done by banks, insurance and mortgage companies, and self-serving democrats? Think again....

WASHINGTON -- The pitched drama over bonuses for bailed-out executives will be revived on Capitol Hill Wednesday as a government watchdog explains how some executives nearly brought down the financial system -- then pocketed millions.

Neil Barofsky, the special inspector general for the $700 billion financial rescue program, will answer questions about a new report outlining the official missteps that led to massive bonus payments for executives at insurer American International Group Inc.

In a report released Tuesday, Barofsky wrote that the Treasury Department did not understand AIG's byzantine pay structures when it gave the firm billions in aid last fall.

Obama's people at Treasury were so abysmally stupid and lazy, that their determination to take control of America's banking system blinded them to the obvious which was, criminally corrupt executives don't stop being criminally corrupt executives just because you give them trillions in other peoples' money....FRICKIN' IDIOTS!!!

Obama and the democrats took trillions from us, our children, and grand children to prop up these sleaze-bag insurance and banking executives, who had financially raped their own companies and stockholders, without a clue as to what they would do with the money. How is that not criminal recklessness in any body's book? If your representatives in the House or Senate voted to approve any, ANY of these bailouts, and you vote for them again in the next election, you are a complete and utter moron!

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