Friday, October 23, 2009

Liberals' teleprompters betray their masters

Nitwit MSNBC anchor, Contessa Brewer, get's punked by her own teleprompter....

I swear, the look on Jesse's face was priceless. He couldn't have looked more shocked if he had stuck his finger in a socket. Seriously, are the dingbats over at MSNBC so stupid that they can't conduct a simple interview without reading it off a teleprompter?

Obama's teleprompter couldn't stand the lying and obfuscation any longer and committed suicide right in front of The One, by throwing itself onto the floor, shattering into a million pieces. It was reported to have been replaced by a much more loyal teleprompter.

Exit question: Did blaming the teleprompter for her mistake make Contessa look more stupid or less stupid?

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