Thursday, October 08, 2009

Levi Johnston on the career fast-track

Under normal circumstances, most would-be celebrities spend years languishing on the fringes of showbiz before being spat out the bottom of the porn industry but, dang, who would have guessed that scumbag, teen impregnater Levi Johnston would be there already?

Posing nude for Playgirl is next for the 19-year-old father of Sarah Palin’s grandchild. Johnston’s attorney, Rex Butler, said Wednesday that a formal agreement has not been reached with the online magazine but adds it’s a “foregone conclusion” it will happen…

Somebody should clue this moron in to the fact that his only appeal with anybody, namely the media, will last only as long as he continues to embarrass Sarah Palin. Nobody's interested in him for any reason other than that. As career stages go, he leaped from C-list celebrity right into the porn phase, skipping entirely, the unimaginable wealth, public drunkenness, and numerous failed attempts at career resurrection phases most celebrities go through. From here, the only phases he's got left to complete are drug addiction, phony public recovery and phony sobriety, homelessness, destitution and suicide.
Way to go Levi!

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