Tuesday, October 13, 2009

If you thought Katrina cleaned out New Orleans.....think again

New Orleans sets a new low standard for what qualifies as "good news"......

NEW ORLEANS -- Optimism filled many Central City residents Friday night, as the city celebrated 10 straight days without a report of a killing.

"I feel good because I wish all the crime would stop," said Christina Wheaton, who lives in Central City. "It just makes you feel good when you don't hear about a murder."

Where else but the filthiest town in America would residents celebrate 10 days without a murder? I thought all the criminals and riff-raff had relocated to Houston after Katrina but, I guess they moved back and resumed their lives of shiftless degeneracy and crime. When are the residents of NO going to hold Mayor Nagin responsible for this....though I'm sure he's still blaming Bush for not sending enough of other peoples' money after Katrina, to be used at his discretion, of course.

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