Monday, October 05, 2009

Firearms safety training.....FAIL!!!

Americans it seems, are able to find the most ridiculous ways of killing themselves. You don't hear about this kind of thing happening in other countries. Are we collectively, a stupid people?

A 25-year-old man was medevaced to Seattle with life-threatening injuries after accidentally shooting himself in the head with a .22-caliber rifle in Lemon Creek on Friday afternoon, the Juneau Police Department reported.

Police say the accidental shooting happened as the group was planning to go to the gun range. One of the adults raised concern about the 25-year-old man handling the firearm because of the infant being in the room, according to a police press release. The adult also was concerned that the rifle was loaded.

"The man joked that there was one way to find out if it was loaded and, at that point, he reportedly put the rifle in his mouth and pulled the trigger," according to the release.

Neither alcohol nor drugs appear to have played a role in the incident, police reported.
Just utter stupidity!

I have to wonder how somebody this pathologically dumb, manages to reach adulthood without killing himself before now? Let's just hope he hadn't sired and dumb kids.

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