Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Bringing you into compliance

This is par for the course for corrupt politicians in Chicago I guess....

Chicago and Cook County residents aren’t the only ones about to get shocking tax news; the city is debuting a “tax whistle-blower” plan that could turn neighbor against neighbor in Chicago’s business community.

The folks at city hall will pay cash bounties to informants who turn in business tax cheats around the city. The reward would amount to some sort of percentage of the tax money that the city recovers.

"It's just another way of bringing people into compliance," Revenue Department spokesman Ed Walsh told the Sun-Times.

Just like the Obama white house wanted Americans to snitch on other Americans who spoke negatively about health-care and grade-school programs that encourage children to rat on their parents who don't recycle or otherwise live a green lifestyle, this is typical thinking of the criminals who run Chicago. It's why Obama thought nothing of trying similar a program for all Americans regarding health-care.

I imagine the first rat to show himself and expose the wrong business or individual will deservedly end up at the bottom of the Chicago River wearing a pair of cement shoes. And that'll put a damper on other rats looking to make a buck by turning in their neighbors to the authorities. Bad neighbor! Bad, bad neighbor!

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