Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Women, never get involved with a liberal man

Degenerate child predator Roman Polanski got arrested by Swiss authorities regarding his 31 year-old guilty plea for drugging, and repeatedly raping and sodomizing, a 13 year old girl, Samantha Gailey, in the Los Angeles home of Jack Nicholson. He fled the country and has never returned though he enjoys the praise and accolades of Hollywood's elite actors, no strangers to perversion themselves, who are arguing against his extradition from Switzerland.

This is Chappaquiddick all over again. Ted Kennedy can leave a girl to die in a river and liberals ignore it because he's for health-care reform. Roman Polanski can drug and rape a 13 year old girl and liberals ignore that because he made a couple of movies they like. The lesson here is that to depraved liberals, your support of leftist causes, and that you made a couple of popular movies, more than outweigh the life and rape respectively, of women who you victimized.

The moral of this story for women here is: the more popular the leftist is among his peers, the less your life and safety are worth in comparison to his "accomplishments".

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