Sunday, September 27, 2009

Man tries to feed self to bears.....disappointingly, he failed

You people know how I enjoy a good man-gets-eaten-by-wild-animals story. Unfortunately, this one didn't quite deliver the hilarity it promised....

SAN FRANCISCO, California (CNN) -- A man snuck into the grizzly bear exhibit at the San Francisco Zoo Saturday but was rescued immediately afterward without incident, authorities said.

A zoo visitor alerted the facility's staff about the 27-year-old man's presence inside the enclosure, said spokeswoman Gwendolyn Tornatore.

Staffers fired a warning shot to keep the two bears away from the man, before securing them inside their dens, Tornatore said in a statement.

First, if a dude wants to feed himself to the grizzly bears, let him. It'd be a rare and excellent wildlife-in-action lesson for onlookers, as well as a what-NOT-to-do-at-the-zoo cautionary tale.
Second, instead of firing a warning shot to scare the bears away, why not just shoot the idiot in the enclosure? The bears would have to work less hard for their meal that way.

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