Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Katrina II ?

History always seems to find a way to repeat itself. Where else have we read this exact report?

LOS CABOS, Mexico (AP) - Emergency workers struggled to evacuate thousands of reluctant slum dwellers as extremely dangerous Hurricane Jimena approached Mexico's resort-studded Baja California Peninsula on Tuesday.

Jimena, just short of Category 5 status with winds of near 155 mph (250 kph), could rake the region of harsh desert fringed with picturesque beaches and fishing villages as a major hurricane by Tuesday evening

Police, firefighters and navy personnel drove through shantytowns, trying to persuade some 10,000 people to evacuate shacks made of plastic sheeting, wood, reeds and even blankets.

Perhaps New Orleans mayor Ray Nagin has some school buses the Mexicans could borrow to get the people out of harms way....that is unless the Mexicans, like the NO residents, refuse to ride school buses and prefer to wait on Greyhound to rescue them in luxury. Let's hope there's no Superdome in Baja for people to take shelter in, or else there might be some cannibalism in a day or two and we'd be treated to Shep Smith and Geraldo crying on air about it, only to find out there was none.

Or maybe, just maybe, poor Mexicans in the path of a cat-5 hurricane will get themselves out of the path and spare their country a national guilt trip for not doing more. And maybe there won't be any looting of TV's and booze just because it's there and nobody will stop them from stealing it. Regardless of what happens, somehow the US will be blamed for the squalid conditions of the area, or the slowness of rescue efforts, or the tininess of FEMA trailers, or the taste of the bottled water we send down there. Whatever, in the media, the greedy, rich US will get blamed for whatever ill befalls downtrodden peasants in other countries, especially if it can be linked to global warming.

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