Tuesday, September 08, 2009

I hate to say I told you so but........

Boy, conservatives fell for this trick hook, line, and sinker. The white house knew that half of Americans, the conservative half who don't like Obama, would have conniption fits when they announced he would be addressing school children on their first day of school, today. They knew we would hysterically accuse the administration of propagandizing and indoctrinating our children, as if they don't get a head full of liberalism each and every day already, from their left-wing teachers. So the white house cleverly wrote a completely innocuous speech just so that everybody would be wondering what those crazy conservatives were so worked up about. Now, when we raise legitimate objections about health care, cap-and-trade, economy, etc, the media and others will be thinking, "Yeah, that's the same bunch that got all torqued about his very, decent education speech."

See, by over-reaching on this relatively benign issue, we've fallen right into their trap and damaged our own credibility. We should have kept quiet, let him say something political in his 20min speech, and then hammer him for it after the fact. Now we just look like raving lunatics and conspiracy nuts. We have the advantage on Obama and the democrat-controlled congress...let's not get fooled into harming our position with red herrings like this again.

If you want to read the text of the speech, go here.


  1. Though the turn of events 'may' have worked to their advantage this time...do you honestly think that any rational American, much less one that's remotely conservative, is going to let this czar-appointing president do anything without question? Given said squawking forced a revised, toned-down "Go Kids" speech- it may have been worth the hit. The One then just verbally patted all the youngsters on the head & proceeded to bash Bush's NoChildLeftBehind- which IS another program that may sound good in theory; but, when implemented by the obtuse government is a complete "disas-trophe"!

  2. I could not agree more. NCLB may sound good but, all it does is lure teachers to "teach to the test" rather than the overall curriculum. Ted Kennedy basically wrote it so, we knew it was a disaster going in.
    I just think we conservatives overplayed our hand just a little with the speech thing. We can't jump up and down over every single thing Obama does or people will start to tune us out as shrill obstructionists, and in the end, we'll cost ourselves support when we need it...such as on healthcare.
