Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Twitterers are dreary narcissists! That's right...I said it!

Over at Belchspeak, Pat posted his take on this article about the pointless stupidity of Twitter. It struck a chord with me so, I thought I'd share it with you guys....

Forty percent of the messages on Twitter are "pointless babble" along the lines of "I am eating a sandwich now," according to a study conducted by a US market research firm.
Pear Analytics, based in San Antonio, Texas, said that it randomly sampled 2,000 messages from the public stream of Twitter and separated them into six categories.

The categories were: news, spam, self-promotion, pointless babble, conversational and pass-along value.

Pear said "pointless babble" accounted for 811 "tweets" or 40.55 percent of the total number of messages sampled.

I think 41% is being way too kind. From what I've seen, people who twitter a lot are sharing every stupid, useless detail of their drab but self-absorbed lives, easily 85% of the time. What's even more disturbing is why you would willingly follow somebody who told you precisely each day when they were taking a crap or watching TV? How desperate, sad, and pathetic must you be, to need information like that?

I'm almost to the point of not watching Fox-and-Friends on the weekends because all those morons do is read tweets from idiot viewers....and I'm sick of it! What's worse, some people on Facebook use their pages to post the exact same kind of useless drivel as if it was their Twitter page. If you can't say anything more interesting and/or thought provoking than, "I love my iPhone!", you should kill yourself and spare the world your banal, utterly meaningless existence and let the serious adults use the bandwidth for something purposeful.

Twitter....gimme a break!

Hat tip to Breitbart

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