Tuesday, August 04, 2009

The thought police in the UK even tax grief

The once Great Britain descends further from idiotic nanny-State into a little shop of horrors...

A grieving mother in Britain was fined $173 for spending too long at her son's coffin before it was taken away for cremation.

Terrie Rouse, 32, said her grief turned to shock when officials told her she had taken too long to say goodbye, The Daily Mail reported.

"The vicar had asked if I would like to spend a bit more time saying goodbye," she said. "I sat by the coffin for 10 minutes, telling my son how much we loved him and begging him not to be scared."

Are there so many funerals in the UK that they have to keep a tight schedule such that you can't grieve for longer than 30minutes? And more preposterously, there's a fine for exceeding your allotted time limit....unbelievable! It's bad enough that the UK government controls and monitors every part of life there but, now they're taking control of the dead too.

Once the imperial nanny-State gets a toe-hold and isn't rightly put down by public resistance, it creeps insidiously into every facet of life no matter how private. We in the US could learn a lesson from our Mother Country that is but a shadow of her former self.

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