Sunday, August 02, 2009

Obama....our narcissist overlord

Picture borrowed from Moonbattery.

Lest there be any lingering doubt about whether our overlord Obama is a narcissistic elitist, look at this picture from the "beer-summit". President Obama would have us believe that professor Gates is a good friend of his yet, Obama glides across the white-house lawn with his nose in the air, obviously concerned more about the cameras and reporters than about the well-being of his "friend". And it is the "rogue, racist cop" Crowley that assists the infirm, race-baiting Gates down the steps, not Obama.

Is this the HopeyChange all you morons who voted for him were expecting? When he succeeds in destroying the country that he hates so much, the responsibility will be on the hands of each and every voter who fell for his glycerin-tongued rhetoric and skin color.

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