Friday, August 14, 2009

New Life

Micahael Vick will soon start practicing with his new team the Philadelphia Eagles. I have wondered when this day would come, and strangely enough, I have gone back and forth on my position. Well the day is here and here ia where I am:
Michael Vick did a very scummy thing. He deserved the punishment he got. He has served his time and paid his due to society. Let the man get on with his life. I will. I will never forget the horrible activities he was involved in, but I will pray that he learned his lesson and will become a plus to society instead of the drain pictured here.
Michael I plead with you to step up and become a role model for today's youth. To lead youngsters away from illegal activity and down the straight and narrow path would be admirable and the right thing to do. You can show that the system works. It is time for you to rise above the morass and step out shining brightly for the world to see. remember, playing ball in the NFL is a priveleg not a right. You have the ability to succed on that stage- don't let that be all you have!


  1. Glad he went to Filth-a-delphia and not Pittsburgh.
    I know he did his time, but I wouldn't be thrilled to have him on *my* team.

  2. First off Tracie, Ravens are going to whip the Steelers this year... but on the topic, Mike Vick has been counciled by ex-Inianapolis Colts coach Tony Dungy. Tony Dungy is a fellow African-American, who believes that they have given themselves a bad reputation by putting more emphasis on sports and fashion than on education and self-image. I believe his counceling will pay off and make Michael a positive influence on the Eagles, and on the city of Philidelphia.
