Saturday, August 29, 2009

Liberals find brotherhood with murderers and thugs

You ask for stupidity, I give you democrat congresswoman, Diane Watson....

From the hapless Jimmy Carter up to the present lot of despicable liberals, what is it about murdering, thug dictators and terrorists that appeals to democrats? I can only find a single common thread among the bunch....they all hate the United States. Why do liberals pine for the utopian idealism of statist collectivism, when in every instance, it has come through violence and bloodshed, depriving individuals by the thousands of life, liberty, and property? Fidel Castro and Che Guevara were blood-thirsty savages who murdered thousands of innocent Cubans in cold blood in order to seize control of the island nation. How any thinking American can hold these two revolutionaries up as shining examples of anything, boggles the mind, unless you understand that today's liberal democrats hate American-style, individual freedom and liberty every bit as much as Castro and Guevara did. How people like that remain in Washington is a mystery but, one thing's for sure, they do not have our best interests in mind as they force sweeping, socialist changes to the fundamental fabric of American life. Make people like Diane Watson pay in the next election by kicking them to the curb.

1 comment:

  1. She must have missed her meds for a few days because she is totally delusional. At least that's what I hope. If this is her normal state , and she is serving in the government it is a true travestry.
