Thursday, August 20, 2009

Jesse Jackson Junior is a moron!

Just how stupefyingly retarded is Jesse Jackson Junior? Listen to his explanation of how the Post Office keeps shipping costs down for consumers, and see for yourself...

Triple-J has not one shred of understanding about market economics that any 6th grader could easily grasp. The USPS is hemorrhaging money like Ted Kennedey's liver hemorrhages blood. Meanwhile, UPS, FedEx, and DHL are doing what private companies do, but what no government entity has ever done, make money, control costs, and operate efficiently. He stupidly claims that competition from the USPS keeps overnight-shipping costs down but, the Post Office affects overnight-shipping costs in about the same way as urinating in the ocean affects the tides.

I hope Illinois voters are heartened by the wisdom of their representatives in economic matters as they shill for The One's attempt to seize control of 1/7th of the US economy. But then, they knew he was a cretin when they voted for him so they sort of deserve him.

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