Monday, August 03, 2009

Islamic women should know their place

Here's the latest outrage from the Religion of Peace....

KHARTOUM, Sudan — A Sudanese female journalist facing 40 lashes for wearing trousers in public in violation of the country's strict Islamic laws told a packed Khartoum courtroom Wednesday she is resigning from a U.N. job that grants her immunity so she can challenge the law on women's public dress code.

Lubna Hussein was among 13 women arrested July 3 in a raid by members of the public order police force on a popular Khartoum cafe for wearing trousers, considered indecent by the strict interpretation of Islamic law adopted by Sudan's Islamic regime. All but three of the women were flogged at a police station two days later.

Flogged for wearing pants. It would be comical if flogging didn't hurt so much. Seriously, if Islam, as it's practiced under Sharia, is not the most barbaric cult of backward, third-world savages, I don't know what is.

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