Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Healthcare Reform

After an exhaustive amount of research, I have finally concluded that President Obama is right. We need to reform the healthcare system. However, it has nothing to do with any of his semi-moronic offerings. The problems do not lie within the insurance field, nor do they lie in the proposed "no-pay" system. Both will destroy what we currently have, and will have us stride back to the current sub-standard level of care that the world enjoys. Here is why the presidential offerings will fail:
The medical profession has always attracted the best and brightest. These men and women are well paid for their intelligence and their time invested into helping mankind. If the Dem. Plan is invoked, (as an example) my good friend Jack, an Orthopedics guy, will be forced to shut down his practice and send his 23 full time and 15 part time employees to the food lines. He will not be able to adequately earn enough money to support the machine he has invested 25 years in developing. He will close his shop, leaving a large service gap that will be filled by less qualified and lower tier physicians that may or not have his level of expertise and time served. We all suffer with this scenario.
My proposal is simple. The government should open hundreds of massage clinics. Every American should be entitled to 1 free "Rub down" per week. Healhcare spending will decrease, 'cause everyone will just generally feel better. secondly, we will get along better 'cause we will feel better. Thirdly and most importantly, it will create a huge number of jobs that this conutry definitely needs. A simple cottage industry that even the government cannot screw up. Economy is moving towards solid ground, recession is ending and the citizens are all happier. Less death, mayhem and crime. All good byproducts of this as well.
Thanks for the idea Barak!! Lets get a beer and a massage!!

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