Wednesday, August 12, 2009

He shoots... He scores!!/ NOT

Ricky P. is in the news again. At one time he was a young coaching phenom, having just coached Kentucky to a National Championship. He left for the greener pastures of the NBA and after that didn't really pan out for him, has returned to U.K.'s arch rival - Louisville! He has amassed some big wins and has some good tourney runs, but his news making stems from his two-time two-timing with a certain Ms. Karen Sypher.

The liaisons occurred 6 years ago. Now she is claiming rape!

Stop this now. Do not give this trailer trash woman any press or money. Pitino threw 3 grand at her to cover her abortion (he states insurance fee), but regardless this is pathetic. She deserves nothing else. Zero. Nada. Zilch. Do not pass go and do not collect $200.

I have always admired Pitino as a coach. I thought he stood for something. He apparently fooled me. I hate the situation they are involved in, but it is of their making, and theirs alone, so my word to the courts is to leave it that way. Let them settle it. I truly feel sorry for the balance of the Pitino family. His wife and kids will live with this stigma forever. Will the general public ever let them forget. I doubt it. Can't you see the Cameron Crazies jumping and screaming at him during a game with Sypher face cutouts, blow up dolls, etc. Sometimes we all make mistakes that we must live with, sometimes, however our mistakes make others live with them as well. Rick you should have known better.

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