Friday, August 28, 2009

Eco-kooks provide solutions for problems that don't exist

You know here at TRR, we like to chronicle the abject stupidity and hilariousness of modern environmentalists, from their delusional belief in global warming to their idiotic "technology" to save the polar bears through conservation. Well, fresh on the heels of the drink-your-own-urine device and the drink-your-own-shower-water system, which we've mocked and ridiculed before, comes the combination washing machine/toilet.

To hear these dumb hippies tell it, you'd think it never rained anywhere on Earth and that we were running out of water completely. Why don't they throw in the plant purifier from two posts down and drink this too? And if I'm not mistaken, looking at this picture, are those retractable arm-rests for the toilet? Now that's an innovation I could get behind...heh, heh...get it, behind?

Exit question: if all that soapy washing-machine water is now in the toilet, what's the cat going to drink?


  1. Absolutely unbelieveable. Its not so much that these guys are blind zealots in their quest for worshiping Gaea. But they are horrible engineers!

    Its not a bad idea to recycle water from the washer to use to flush the toilet. The soapy residue in the water can actually help keep the bowl clean.

    But there is no reason whatsoever to keep the washer over the toilet. Just like the post below, there is no reason to keep plants and swamp things in the bathtub! Have these idiots not seen the hose? Don't they know how pumps work? Keep the washer in place and channel the drain water to a holding tank. Same for the hippie bathtub. Once the water is at the holding tank it can be pumped into all the toilets and used for gardening or drinking if they are foolish enough. Its the design that shows how foolish they are.

  2. I have to admit though, the armrests are a definite feature of this contraption. If only there was a cup-holder like at the movies and a flat screen on the opposite wall, I'd never have to leave the bathroom.
