Monday, August 24, 2009

Doomed by carelessness

This is Thunder Hole in Acadia National Park, Maine. It's named that because it sounds like a clap of thunder when a wave crashes into the hole. As you can see, it's close when you are out on the observation deck but, who in their right mind would go out there as a hurricane passed by?

Hurricane Bill’s storm surge struck with fierce and terrifying power Sunday on the shore of Mount Desert Island when the raging water lashed up and crashed on sightseers near Thunder Hole, sweeping three out into the turbulent sea. One of the three, a 7-year-old girl, later died.

The news media are blaming the hurricane but, really, who's fault is it that this little girl lost her life? Who places a 7 year old on a boardwalk when 30foot waves are crashing on the jagged rocks beneath her feet? Shouldn't there be a presumption of common sense in most situations where kids are involved? I'm guessing the state of Maine will be getting sued for not posting danger signs. And a skeevy trial lawyer will trick a dumb jury into believing that their grief for the family should translate into a reward, for the father's stupidity and carelessness, of loads of taxpayer money. Plus states will be required at great cost, to post, "Stay Out of the Hurricane" signs along every beach.

And the behemoth nanny-state will grow a little more.

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