Monday, August 31, 2009

Disrespectful Muslim gets owned by a young, female ROTC student.

I just love reading about stuff like this....

SPRING HILL — Heather Lawrence didn't know the name of the girl with the Muslim head covering, or where she was from.

But as Lawrence walked by a classroom at Springstead High School on Wednesday, the 16-year-old junior did know one thing: The girl wasn't standing for the Pledge of Allegiance.

Lawrence, an JROTC member who plans to enlist in the Army next summer, says she was aghast.

"That's one of the most disrespectful things you can do," Lawrence recalled Friday. "Even the kids who are anarchists, who hate our government, still have respect to stand."

A few bells later, Lawrence was on her way to English class when she saw the girl wearing a hijab in the hallway. Lawrence confronted her.

She told her she should stand for the pledge. And, according to Lawrence's own account and a school referral on the incident, said, "Take that thing off your head and act like you're proud to be an American."

I love it!!! Of course, this being liberal-infested America, Heather was given a 1 week suspension. Still, what impressive presence and conviction in a sixteen year old! If I was that girl's father, I'd treat her to the best week of suspension anybody'd ever seen. Movies, beach trip, amusement parks, new clothes, whatever she wanted, we'd do it.

1 comment:

  1. American and ProudMon Aug 31, 05:30:00 PM CDT

    Heather Lawrence lied:

    Don't celebrate a liar. Celebrate the patriotic American Muslim girl who stood for the pledge and had to endure bullying from a stupid, lying classmate,
