Thursday, August 06, 2009

Democrats are as corrupt and hypocritical as the day is long

Remember when Congress hysterically demanded that the auto executives show empathy for the plight of regular Americans by not flying private corporate jets to Washington but, they should drive stupid hybrids instead, to come beg for money? Now, that Obama has appropriated trillions in tax-payer largess, chief hypocrite and vile, loathsome wretch Nancy Pelosi has allowed the purchase by congress of three Gulfstream jets at a cost to the taxpayer of $200million. It seems that two Georgia congressmen(Gulfstream is located in Savannah) slipped this purchase into the bill after receiving huge donations from Gulfstream.

Where's the transparency Nancy? Why aren't members of congress flying coach like the rest of us? Why do you need private luxury Gulfstreams to travel when the economy is in the tank? Wouldn't $200million be better spent elsewhere....such as in tax breaks for Americans who pay taxes?

It's as if Democrats don't give a crap what the people think or how hypocritical, corrupt, and self-serving they are, they feel totally invincible and they are going to do exactly as they please regardless of any consideration of right and wrong. They are the elite, ruling class and neither morals or ethics apply to them. I'm telling you now like I've been telling you for six months and I'll keep telling you for another year, if we don't make these people pay in 2010, for their wickedness, deceit, and treachery, we've nobody to blame but ourselves for the collapse of our country.


  1. Wasn't it the democrats who accused republicans of being out of touch with the American people?

    Dems think their massive handouts are a free ride for them to do whatever they want. Sadly, it's true. The dumb masses are too busy buying new cars with tax-payer cash, keeping homes they can't afford, and swooning over FREE healthcare to realize that the democrats are tearing down the fondation of this country with their irresponsible spending and big government control.

  2. Why are lawmakers traveling back and forth to DC anyhow? Why are they not residing 100% of the time in their home districts - surrounded by those they represent on a daily basis - and teleconferencing with fellow lawmakers across the country?

    #1, it would put them in far greater touch with reality were they actually in routine contact with their constituents. #2, it would save us a bundle on housing and travel expenses.

    Seriously, with the technology we have today (and you know we've already paid the costs of setup of this stuff, they just refuse to use it), there is NO reason for these folks to even need to set foot in Washington, is there?
