Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Stupid, idiot, moron move of the year, courtesy of Alabama ABC Board

This is how utterly stupid, puerile, hypocritical, and moronic people in Alabama are, and I know, I live here...

For some wine lovers a nude nymph is artistic expression while for others it is offensive trash.

A wine label showing a nude nymph is too much for Alabama's liquor control agency, which has told restaurants and stores not to sell the product.

The label on Cycles Gladiator wine, produced by Hahn Family Wines in Soledad, Calif., shows a vintage 1895 advertising poster for Cycles Gladiator bicycles. The French poster features a nude nymph flying beside a winged bicycle.

Bob Martin, staff attorney for the Alabama Alcoholic Beverage Control Board, said the board's license bureau rejected the label last year as inappropriate for sale in the state. Early this month, a citizen sent a bottle of the wine to the board's enforcement bureau to show it was being sold in stores, he said.

Alabama's liquor regulations prohibit labels with "a person posed in an immoral or sensuous manner," Martin said.

Are you frickin' kidding me!!! This is a vintage work of art! It's not immoral or sensuous in any way. You can go to the local museum and see far more prurient material. How utterly humiliating to live in a state that ranks #15 in porn consumption, is the undisputed illegal sports-gambling capital of the world, spends $200million annually on other states' casinos and lotteries but, we can't be allowed for moral reasons to purchase a bottle of Merlot because the label features a cartoon of a profile of nude, mythological female?....UNBELIEVABLE!!!

This exemplifies the hypocrisy of the bible-belt. Everybody self-righteously claims not to drink but, everybody does. Churches fight against the Alabama lottery with money funneled to them from Mississippi casinos, who stand to lose business if we get a lottery. Everybody pretends to disapprove of betting on college football games but, everybody, and I mean everybody knows at least 5 bookies....heck, I've known cops that were bookies on the side.

This is what happens when we elect busy-body do-gooders based on supposedly "moral" grounds and run around pretending, like in a bizarre kabuki theatre, that we don't indulge in any vices. We end up with banned, vintage cartoons for heaven's sake!


  1. Dude, come on. It makes perfect sense. If'n I'm gonna get my whole family out of the trailer fer a trip to the ABC, I do NOT want my young'uns running around looking at pictures of naked ladies! 'nuff said!

  2. Did the ABC get consulted on whether the original art work was to be considered classic? I see no problem - use a sharpie and draw socks on her feet with 6" heels, add a watch, and a pearl necklace- now that is real "cinemax classy". At least it avoids the redneck issues as stated above.

  3. No drinking on Sundays so you'd better stock up during the other six days of the week.
