Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Silence is Golden (HA!)

Posted by Reid:

As the general public watches (in horror I hope) the newest Supreme Court Nominee plays a bad game of politics. Time and time again, she has been told that her approval is a done deal, but Ms. Sotomayor still refuses to let the American folks know... Whats Going On (kudos to Marvin Gaye)!
She staunchly refused to answer questions yesterday about the 2nd amendment and her interpretation of it. Adding to that insult to our forefathers, Sonia "The Great" has today stonewalled on abortion and its implications. She expressed outrage that her soon-to-be-new-boss (Obama) guaranteed she would support abortion rights. She has yet to give any citizen, forget the Senators, any inkling of her agenda. I will state that I am opposed to her elevation to the Supreme Court, but I am more upset by her disdain for the people she is set to serve (for life). It appears to this witness, that Judge Sotomayor doesn't give a plugged nickel about the American people as a whole, and that all this is about is her minority upbringing and how she has overcome that obstacle to achieve greatness. What kind of crap are we about to buy? Where will our highest court move? Are we sure that we can afford to angle the face of the nation to allow this person to start the avalanche of our rights and this country's greatness. It was once said that "America was great because its people are good. When the good goes, away goes the greatness." I think we stand on that very precipice as we speak. Watch and learn folks. its gonna be a long haul........

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