Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Please help me!!!

Posted by Reid:

My name is Erin Andrews (see photo attached). I have been victimized. Some moronic, recidivist deviant has filmed me in the privacy of my private hotel room. Unfortunately for me I wasn't smart enough to wear clothes as I was parading around. Please help me find this low life and retrieve my dignity. I know now that when I darken the hallowed sidelines of this falls best SEC classic football games I will only be detracting from the games as many male attendees will forgo their ritualistic team bravado to jeer and deride me, sending me quickly to my hotel room to relive this travesty again and again. Please help me!!!

If only the President can find a way to outlaw video peephole cameras the world would be a safe place..


  1. Is this satirical or serious, because I can't tell?

  2. Both! At first glance it appears that Miss Andrews was a victim of a perv at a peephole. As I look at it further, and after watching the grainy video I see something else. My assumptions are as follows:

    If she is a victim this is over quickly. Security cameras in all Hotels would be available for review, especially since this has been out ther for a few months now. For someone, with the help of a maid/master keyed employee, to change a door peephole (to view in not out) is bizarre enough to stand out as security personnel monitor (IT would be all doors are a few random ESPN reserved rooms prior to arrival, or after she checked in and was out). Again the security camera has pictures of this. Secondly, the perpertrator must have stood in the hall to film. How long must one stand in the same spot before attracting attention (especially while holding an active fiber optic video camera device. Again caught on film. Do not pass go do not collect $200.

    Now upon retrospect, I believe that Miss Andrews was self promoting. To look like a victim is an easy way to garner sympathy and therfeore, potentially, a better sports gig, i.e. more money!!( maybe she's tired of the sidelines and wants to be an anchor or have her own show). I travel frequently. I have been walked in on more than once by a maid, etc. I would never parade around for minutes-on-end naked (not that anyone would look anyway), nor can I imagine a single woman in Erin's job position doing it without motive. Modesty is normal, especially when out ones normal space.

    Erin is a great looking woman. I hope my thoughts are wrong. I want to believe her, unfortunately, at this point, after discussing this with many people I think I am on the right track. We will see what all this publicity does and brings. I'll bet nothing, and then it will give ESPN a ratings boost on all those bad games by simply mentioning it.

    Look what a wardrobe malfunction did for Janet Jackson's career. How amny others have "survived a scandal" to come out on the other side better off?

  3. Boy Reid, you are quite the cynic! And you may be right. And who irons naked?

  4. I am hoping that ESPN will find some way to make this available on ESPN8 "THE OCHO" . I can see it "Naked Speed Ironing World Champion.........." I am so ready for a new alternative sporting event.
