Thursday, July 16, 2009

The homeless have important business too

Regular reader David sent a news story in to me. It's about that public assistance program through which homeless dudes can get free cell phones in like 17 states so far. To save my life, I don't know what a homeless dude needs a cell phone for....perhaps to call his dealer? To call other homeless dudes to see which plasma lab is giving the best deal on blood donations? Or maybe to keep tabs on traffic patterns to make identifying the best intersections for pan-handling easier? Whatever, here's the money-quote from the article....

The idea is to convert Safelink users to regular cell customers as they are weaned from the public dole.

"As they are weaned from the public dole" And just how exactly does giving a homeless guy a free cell phone help to wean him from the public dole? All it does is make life on the street a little less uncomfortable and make him a more entrenched derelict and permanently dependent on handouts.

Somebody please tell me if you can, a single way the government is weaning people off the public dole.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thanks Ed. Maybe I can offer my place on the robocall list to one of these "connected" folks.

  3. The modern day version of bread and circuses.

    Or if you want to see where we're headed, watch THX-1138 (better yet, read Ben Bova's written version of the film).
