Monday, July 06, 2009

Burdening everybody on behalf of a few idiots

Here is precisely why the federal government is the worst entity to be running any business......

Through Minneapolis/St. Paul international airport, approximately 34,000,000 people travel each year. Of those, about 20,000 show up at the wrong gate for connecting flights or departures. Based on the complaints of 0.059% of travelers who apparently can't read, the airport will spend about $2.2million to re-sign the concourses. This is on the heels of a $3million renovation project.

First, these idiots who travel in Minnesota are the same idiots who elected jester Al Franken to represent them in the US Senate. Why would anybody think new signage would help people that stupid find the right gate?

Moreover, renovations always end up costing the public at the retail level. Prices for everything at the airport will increase in order to pay for renovations and re-signage like if $17.00 for a tuna-salad sandwich and a beer wasn't enough already.

Last, underachieving, government bureaucrats don't have any accountability for the money they spend the way private managers do. Private businesses lose money when they do something wasteful and somebody gets fired for it. In government, nobody gets fired no matter how incompetently they do their jobs or how wasteful they are with taxpayer money.

There is no business that can't be run 10 times more efficiently by private companies than by government. Whether it's car manufacturing, banking, Amtrack, US Postal Service, national park management, or airport management, private enterprise can do it better and for less costs than the behemouth, federal bureacracy.

Interesting note: the title of this post applies not only to Minneapolis airport management but, also to the state of Minnesota for buredening America with Al Franken.


  1. No, government employees don't get fired for incompetence or even gross stupidity.

    In fact, they have a greater shot at a better job within the Obama administration.

  2. Expecially if they cheat on their taxes too.

  3. Pass throught the Atlanta airport ONCE for a shockingly vivid example of Government in action.

    And, can Delta Airlines distill air travel any further towards pure hell.

    A recent trip from ATL to DCA has become my worst flight ever. One hour and 22 minutes SEEMED like four hours. When you set out to appeal to everyone you appeal to no one. Air travel aboard Delta Airlines has become no better than a Greyhound bus.

    Unfortunately I must reverse the trip tomorrow.
