Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Just put the cell phone down for a minute

I've exposed some awfully stupid "news" stories here on TRR but, this might be the dumbest of all....

(CNN)If your pinkie and ring fingers tingle and feel numb, you might not want to pick up that cell phone to call the doctor. Orthopedic specialists are reporting cases of "cell phone elbow", in which patients damage an essential nerve in their arm by bending their elbows for too long.

People who have this condition called, cubital tunnel syndrome, can have weakness in their hands and experience difficulty opening jars and playing musical instruments.

If you are too stupid and addicted to put the cell phone down, to the point that you injure yourself, then you deserve to be in crippling, debilitating agony. It's no body's fault but your own.

Now that there's a name for it, derelict employees everywhere will start taking paid time off from work to rehab their cell-phone elbow, demanding that their employers provide blue-tooth head sets, or just going straight to court to sue their employers for work-related cell phone injuries. And the costs of doing business with those companies will go up for the rest of us.


  1. Just another case of shifting responsibility away from the person actually responsible....

    CTS is common in guitarists (for good reason), but why not exploit it? And you know, I don't remember this being an issue when cell phones were bigger - only after they started making them as small as credit cards....

    Maybe "victims" of CTS need to go after the manufacturers, too, for making phones too small to cock up between your shoulder and ear like you can with a regular phone or an older style cellie?

  2. I'm sure some sort of use ban is on the know, for the peoples' own good.
