Tuesday, May 12, 2009

TV's don't kill kids, stupid parents who can't secure furniture kill kids

If you own a flat screen TV, look out. Studies show they are actively trying to kill your kids....

Falling flat-screen TVs a growing threat for kids
Study tracks 41 percent rise in injuries from tipping furniture

To read this, it's almost as if the TV's were jumping off the walls and tipping over their armoirs intentionally to crush toddlers who're watching them. There's no mention of idiot parents who fail to balance their furniture or who cannot screw bolts into walls as the instructions guide you to do.

Morons who write these articles were the same ones who wrote the articles about SUV's that headlined like this, "SUV crashes into crowd injuring dozens". In that article, there was not a single mention of the driver. The SUV killing people on it's own was the story. Liberals, which 95% of the media are, are hisitant to assign blame to individuals who've hurt themselves. It makes them feel judgemental and an evil corporation hurting people makes a more compelling story. But there are more insidius forces at work than just stupid journalists making stories fit their deceptive liberal template.

See, if the blame is properly placed on careless parents as it should be, there are no deep-pocketed TV manufacturers for skeevy lawyers to sue. And if manufacturers are successfully sued, the government, with support from the dumb public, can easily move in to regulate the industry and tax it. Government bureaucrats know that if they demonize a product as dangerous, whether it is or not, the drones in the media will dutifully report it as an evil product from then on, opening the doors for regulation and taxation. They did it with SUV's and now they're about to do it with TV's.

This will be the next target of liberals' tax grab and pointless regulations. When the government gets through regulating our furniture for safety, we can all enjoy sitting around our padded homes with nothing but pillows on the spongy, carpeted floors in rooms painted in soothing colors with kid-safe, eco-friendly paint, reading by candlelight, government-approved stories about giving and sharing, to our helmeted children.

UPDATE: I just read this headline at ABC.com, "Consumer Alert: Children's Deaths Tied to Pet Doors". My gosh, is there no such thing as personal responsibility in America? Trial lawyers are lining up to sue doggy-door manufacturers because stupid parents weren't told that their kids could crawl through them and drown in the family pool. No, seriously, that's the lawyers' argument.

Here's my headline for this story: Parents who're high on drugs and leave toddlers unsupervised, risk losing them to drowning...and deserve to lose them.

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