Thursday, May 14, 2009

That sound you hear....Speaker Pelosi's death rattle

I sense the end is near for speaker Pelosi. When the obfuscation and denials sound as contorted as this, you know she's scrambling....and it's hilarious to watch....


WASHINGTON (AP) - Under strong attack from Republicans, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi accused the CIA and Bush administration of misleading her about waterboarding detainees in the war on terror and sharply rebutted claims she was complicit in its use.

"To the contrary ... we were told explicitly that waterboarding was not being used," she told reporters, referring to a formal CIA briefing she received in the fall of 2002.

Pelosi said she subsequently learned that other lawmakers were told several months later by the CIA about the use of waterboarding.

"I wasn't briefed, I was informed that somebody else had been briefed about it," she said.

So Pelosi's weak, hypocritical excuses for torture having taken place on her watch is either that she was misled by dastardly republicans, which makes her stupid and gullible since she should have been listening to the apolitical CIA and not the administration, or she was just plain derelict in her duties as a congressional leader by not attending briefings. Either way her days as Speaker should be numbered. Let's hope so.

I hope she's not counting on support from Obama once it's clear she lied. I think I hear the Hope-n-Change bus coming down the road like the grim reaper to collect Nancy's career.


  1. We can hope for change, right?

    How many more times is she going to change her story? What's next?

    Heaven forbid anything happen to Obama, for we will be stuck with President Asstard.... who would quickly be taken out by this hag in her desperate scramble for power. People like Pelosi make me pray for Obama's safety, sad to say - but consider the alternative.

  2. Having Steny Hoyer third in the line of succession is way more comforting than SanFranNan. At least that might come as a result of all this. Surely if something happens to Obama, the nation will have an emergency constitutional convention to repeal the clause designating the VP as next in line. On the other hand, Biden is so very dumb that he'll make so many gaffes and mistakes that nobody will do anything he says. Washington gridlock is a good thing, regardless of the reason.

  3. We can only hope this is the end for NP. However, we must fear who will fill the void.

    I was in the country of Georgia recently where I met their version of NP. You will not be surprised to learn the persona transcends borders.
