Saturday, May 23, 2009

Henry Waxman is a dangerous moron

This is the mole-man, democrat Henry Waxman explaining to a collegue that he deosn't know the details of the insidious cap-and-trade bill that he co-sponsors...

Cap-and-Trade will be the single most devestating blow to the American economy since the Great Depression, maybe even worse. Under C-n-T, skeevy government bureaucrats will arbitrarily assign "acceptable" levels of CO2 emissions, and companies will have to limit their productivity in order to comply or purchase carbon credits that allow them to pollute more, from politically favored, "green" companies, or face punitive fines.

Because energy is required to manufacture and transport literally everything we consume, the price of literally everything will increase by dramatic amounts. If they think we're facing recession now, wait until cap-n-trade takes effect. The worst part, I mean other than they're doing this in the name of the completely imaginary, global-warming hoax, is that these idiotic "green" companies are paying millions through lobbyists to degenerates like Waxman to force this upon the country. When traditional energy costs skyrocket because of cap-n-trade, what will the stock prices of companies dealing in ridiculously inefficient energy sources like solar, wind, ethanol, methane, etc, do? The stock prices go up and the owners get rich from fleecing the American people, and the payoffs to Waxman will have been worthwhile.

The purposeful collapsing of the American economy, along with the resulting centralization of power, under The One and detestable sycophants like Waxman, presses forward, unchecked.

Here's the short list of private industries, the control of which Obama desires:
-all manufacturing (Cap-n-Trade)
-health care
-Wall Street

Do you want your healthcare, personal banking, and retirement investments being micro-managed by the same lazy underachievers who run the DMV and the IRS?

Despite Obama reading from the telepromptor that he doesn't want to control private insustry, his daily seizure of more and more control shows that to be false.


  1. In case you hadn't noticed, there aren't many in congress who aren't dangerous morons.

    They all need to go.

  2. Right you are my friend. Even the republicans are tainted by their own acquiescence during the Bush spending boondoggles. We need new people all around, on a regular basis. I didn't used to care much about term limits but, after the pathetic spectacle of republicans over the last 8 years, we need them badly.
