Friday, May 29, 2009

California teachers-----Epic Fail!!!

$10 says this kid will grow up to vote for Obama. Not because he believes in socialism, but because he's too stupid to know any better.

California teachers are among the highest paid union teachers in the country and like all dreadful unions, they extort absurdly high wages from their employers, the taxpayers. Try reading the sign this retard is prancing around with and ask yourself if the California taxpayers are getting their money's worth or do the teachers deserve a pay cut?

I've said it before and I'll say it again, labor unions are bad for the employers who tolerate their ridiculous demands, unions are bad for the labor market which gets skewed toward wage levels that the free, market economy cannot bear, which in turn forces the prices the rest of us pay for union produced goods to go up.

When union teachers are producing idiots like this kid, how do they demand, with a straight face, to have their salaries protected by politicians? Answer: because politicians need dumbed down generations of Americans who don't understand anything other than how to text a vote on Idol. And they need reliable democrat voters. So the teachers agree to teach politically-correct government propoganda, designed specifically to produce the stupidest generation of Americans....ever, and they promise to vote democrat, all in exchange for union wage protection.

What a racket!

Thanks to CaptionThis for the picture.


  1. Am I the only one seeing a resemblance to the radical islam guy?

  2. Careful with that Axe, Eugene. Check your spelling of the word "propaganda". Other than that an excellent rant.
