Friday, May 01, 2009

Blacks can be racists too

A black man committing racism? But we are continually lectured by the self-righteous media that only whites can be racists....

ALBANY -- Gov. Paterson, who raised state taxes by $8 billion last month, just cost state taxpayers $300,000 more.

The state has secretly settled an embarrassing federal racial-discrimination lawsuit, The Post has learned. The suit accused Paterson, back when he was Senate minority leader in 2003, of firing a white Senate photographer in order to replace him with an African-American.

You won't hear the hystarical media bleating about how racism is lurking under the seedy underbelly of black politics the way you would if this had been a white governor firing a black photographer. It doesn't fit their pre-determined template of, all whites with power are suspected racists.

1 comment:

  1. Through threats, intimidation and harassment the small band of racists managed to ruin at least one tenant’s life for good and move on a good number of others. Surrounded by such intolerance I can’t say I’m overly surprised with the actions that went on.
