Tuesday, May 05, 2009

All your nukes are belong to us

As talibani terrorists push closer to Islamabad, Obama says we have in-the-event-of plans to secure Pah-kee-stahn's nukes should the need arise....

WASHINGTON: US President Barack Obama on Wednesday said Washington "can make sure that Pakistan's nuclear arsenal is secure," even as he expressed grave concern over the deteriorating situation in the militancy-stricken country.

At a White House press conference to mark his first 100 days in office, Obama expressed confidence about US control over Pakistan's nuclear weapons, perhaps through military-to-military cooperation, in the face of extremist advances in the country. In the process, he also hinted that Washington had contingency plans to handle the situation if it went out of Islamabad's hands.

I'll believe that Obama would invade another country, even to keep it's nukes out of the hands of terrorists, when I see it. I believe if it comes to that, he won't have the option of going into Pakistan, because India will have already done it. They are far more at risk than we are. But I would love to watch his puppet-master, Rahm Emanual, struggling between pleasing the pacifist, democrat base and avoiding nuclear war breaking out in that part of the world.

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