Tuesday, April 28, 2009

What is Wrong with this Country????

Posted by Reid

What in the world are the folks in Montebello, California thinking. The U.S. flag flown under another countries flag. And then flown upside down, a distress call or what?

I am so perplexed by the continued lack of actions of the citizenship of this once proud country. All people do is sit around and moan about how bad it is (and its gonna get worse with that attitude) and allow the wretched of the country to take over.

Example: Look at your history. In Egypt, years ago, the people were hit with a famine. No grain. They went to Pharaoh and asked for help. He grabbed up all the grain in government silos and sold it to the people at inflated prices until they were all out of money. Then those idiots sold themselves into slavery for food. Today our news states that the U.S. government will own a 50% stake in GM if the restructuring plan takes effect. What are we allowing to happen? Sounds eerily familiar to me. Time to act folks before its to late and we are all slaves to the government. Pull your heads out of the sand and look at whats happening. This isn't going away without work and sacrifice. It didn't happen last week, this has been decades in the making, it will take time and energy to repair, but lets not lose all of our freedoms as it goes down.


  1. At least half the people in the country don't care one bit about their freedoms. All they want is security, to be privided for, and no worries. Fighting to preserve the country that the framers designed might already be a lost cause. We will shortly be just another second rate European nation.

  2. yep - they give it all up to be taken care of

  3. They don't care about their own rights, and they certainly don't care about OUR rights. In fact, they seem to think the quicker they strip us of ours, the faster we will fall into line with the image they wish to project on this country.

    They're too stupid (not even ignorant but just blatantly STUPID) to realize that THEIR rights are inextricably tied to ours and once OURS are gone, SO ARE THEIRS.
