Monday, April 27, 2009

We're surrounded by idiots

Of all the brain-dead decisions government bureaucrats make, and they are too numerous to count, this might be at the top of the list....

It wasn't even a drill. It was a photo op.

And the Pentagon told local authorities about it, but said they couldn't share the information with the public.

An Air Force One lookalike and one and possibly two F-16 Fighting Falcons buzzed the Statue of Liberty in New York harbor this morning, halting work on nearby construction sites, causing resident and office workers to flee their high-rises and giving thousands of people in downtown Manhattan and New Jersey a major fright. At least two people were treated for minor injuries at Jersey City Medical Center after falling during the rush to exit their buildings.

"Everybody panicked," said Daisy Cooper, a Merrill Lynch worker in Jersey City, who lost a nephew on 9/11. "Everybody was screaming and we all ran downstairs. I'm devastated...Everybody was running, we didn't know why we were running. We just knew it was a plane, there we go, 9/11 again."

Did the idiots in the military really think it would be a good idea to terrify millions of New Yorkers with large airplanes flying extremely close to national order to take a picture? New Yorkers still have nightmares about 9/11...understandably for sure. They probably have butterflies every morning as they ride the elevator or climb a flight of stairs to their offices. Who couldn't have forseen the panic? Or worse, they did forsee it but, dismissed it. I'd like to know who authorized this stunt. He should be fired for sheer stupidity.

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