Friday, April 24, 2009 we go again

Loathing of America having rotted and poisoned his brain, Obama is determined to tear the country apart with stuff we've been through before.....

In a letter from the Justice Department to a federal judge yesterday, the Obama administration announced that the Pentagon would turn over to the American Civil Liberties Union 44 photographs showing detainee abuse of prisoners in Afghanistan and Iraq during the Bush administration.

Rahm Emanuel and his witless master Obama, are in league with George Soros over at MoveOn. Soros has poured billions into anti-American and anti-Bush propoganda, including helping get Obama elected. Soros wants nothing more than to show the world how evil Americans are by investigating and criminally prosecuting Bush officials who knew about the practice of water-boarding. But Americans are rightly not interested in this. They'd rather have jobs and their 401K's reinflated. By revisiting Abu Ghraib, Soros and Emanuel hope to whip Americans into a Bush-hating frenzy to the point that they agree to have Bush and his administration brought up on charges. The willing compliant media will do Emanual's bidding as they always have by feigning shock and outrage at pictures from Abu Ghraib that we've seen already.

If they go through with these show trials of Bush administration officials, it'll tear the country apart. But then, that's exactly what Soros and Emanuel want.


  1. I think the Obama administration is just doing the usual - deflecting. One hundred days in office and no real "change" to show the people - unless you want to count the trillions in spending.
    Obama ran his campaign against Bush. For him to have such an abhorrence or even obsession is unhealthy. I'm beginning to think we're going to see four years of vengeance.

  2. If that's how it's going to be, Hopefully the voters will voice their collective opinions of that in 2010 and kick about half of these bums out.

  3. Maybe it's just me, but what does "AMERICAN" civil liberties have to do with foreign prisoners?

    I guess it still goes back to my confusion as to why Barry is pushing to have them tried in American courts of law - as foreign prisoners, should they not be subject to MILITARY TRIBUNALS?

  4. I agree Angie but, Soros is pushing hard for this since his Bush-hatred has no focus any more. He is extremely powerful and I think he's pushing Barry to consider this nonsense.
