Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Stupid is as stupid does

The people who negotiated with the Nork's and didn't see this coming were probably the same people who refused to allow merchant ships to arm themselves and didn't see piracy coming either...

TOKYO, April 14 -- Fuming at the U.N. Security Council for condemning its recent missile launch, North Korea said Tuesday it will restart its plutonium factory, junk all its disarmament agreements and "never participate" again in six-country nuclear negotiations.

Those crazed Norks do this every time. Here's their operational template:

1. terrorize world with very public attempts at nuclear weapons development
2. thumb nose at enraged international community
3. pretend to listen to six-nation negotiations
4. agree to halt weapons program in exchange for food, medicine, fuel, etc.
5. laugh at abject stupidity of American Presidents and media who keep falling for it, over and over and over
6. secretly proceed with weapons program
7. wait for next US President and begin at #1

Insanity, is doing the same things over and over and expecting a different result.

1 comment:

  1. It is time to take "Kim from Nork" off of the grid. He is a kook with just enough support and equipment to start and oerate a small skirmish center. Seek and destroy should become the premptive motto of all US forces in the region. A little muscle flxing will quickly bring him in line, and we won't have to wory about 6 country nuclear talks any more either.

    On 2nd thought, maybe we can get the UN to convince the Somali pirates to move their base of operation to the China Sea and to start terrorizing NORK ships in that area. 2 problems solved at once. I like it!!1
