Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The stunning arrogance of Queen Pelosi

With Arlen Specter's predictable but treacherous defection, Nancy Pelosi is frothing at the mouth about not having to explain or justify anything democrats do, to the American people....

Sen. Arlen Specter's decision to switch parties will make it easier for Democrats to move forward with their agenda, Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said Tuesday.

Specter's switch will give Democrats 60 caucus members in the Senate (assuming Al Franken wins his legal battle in Minnesota). That is enough votes to end debate on a bill and overcome Republican filibusters.

"Very exciting, very exciting for the American people, because now we can get things done without explaining process," Pelosi told CNN's Candy Crowley.

The arrogance of Queen Pelosi is absolutely astonishing! With The One's poll numbers still in the 60's, bullet-proof majorities in both Houses, and help from a subservient, deplorable media, the democrats know that they can get away with literally anything and there's nobody to hold them accountable. Look for the pace of changes to the American cultural and political landscape to accelerate dramatically from now until the mid-terms, still a year and a half away. This country may not resemble itself by then.

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